viernes, 25 de agosto de 2017

Logitech G19 is a sexy keyboard. All it specs are descripted here. If you compare the two versions that exists, you can see some differences.

G19s (above) includes custom color keycaps (W, A, S, D and arrows) and some glyphs around Macro and arrow keys. It color is black with blue. G19 is black with gray. As you can see, G19s is more sexy. These custom color keycaps and glyphs looks more PRO. I not a gamer but these details in G19s likes me.

I was thinking replace my G19 with G19s, but I say: why not customize this? After all the changes are minors. The only difference are W, A, S, D and arrow keys. I was thinking to paint these keycaps with aerosol spray paint but I say: what if I don't like after? So think so much, I found a better way and would like share with you.

What we need to do this?

Color stickers

... and scissors

Just cut the color stickers for the middle and paste around the keys. Examples:

On Eagle Warrior G79 Gaming Keyboard

Youtube videos:

That's all. Maybe the G19 does not look like the G19s, but at least I tried.
